Reporting and disclosures
Create business insights by meeting your sustainability reporting commitments across multiple jurisdictions and standards, with science-led rigour and credibility.
Reporting and disclosure requirements are becoming increasingly challenging for organisations who are facing a rapidly-evolving, fragmented and complex global regulatory landscape, comprising multiple geography and framework obligations. Intense scrutiny from stakeholders, including investors, boards, customers, and NGOs is also adding to the need for rigorous, science-aligned, quantitative disclosures.
How we help you
Credible quantitative reporting based on world-class climate and nature science.
Centralised and auditable reporting data. Report across frameworks and jurisdictions.
Powerful foundation for strategy planning with financially-quantified data and insights.
Improved communications with all, from shareholders and regulators to customers.
What we offer
Risilience enables organisations to meet their sustainability reporting commitments across multiple jurisdictions and standards, with credibility.
As nature takes its place alongside climate, with targets being set for both in global regulatory frameworks, there is nowhere for business leaders to hide. The comprehensive scope of our disclosure and reporting offering supports business leaders in quantifying and reporting on both physical and transition risk across both climate and nature.
Integrate financial quantification
Integrated financial quantification of physical and transition climate-and-nature-related risks and opportunities.

Assess risks and opportunities
Materiality assessment of the short, medium, and long-term risks and opportunities under different emission pathways.

Meet reporting requirements
Platform outputs compliant with multiple climate-and-nature-related reporting requirements including TCFD, CSRD, TNFD, SEC and many more.

Support decision-making
A foundation to be built on year-over-year to support reporting and beyond, as well as strategic business decision-making linked to sustainability.