The California Climate Acts: what you need to know

The California Climate Acts serve as a wake-up call for organisations to consider and qualify their climate-related practices. Striking ahead of the delayed US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announcement of its final ruling, now due in Spring 2024, the California Climate Acts mean business.

Significantly broadening the number of companies that are required to disclose and aligning requirements with global trends, the Climate-related Financial Risk Act (SB 261) and the Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (SB 253) impact private companies as well as the publicly traded ones covered by the SEC.

Bringing financial penalties for non-compliance and with the first climate-related risk report potentially due by 1st January, 2026, the California Climate Acts cannot be ignored. Organisations would be wise to take preparatory steps to meet disclosure requirements, now.

The California Climate Acts: what you need to know

Is your organisation climate-disclosure ready? Are you prepared for the new California Climate Acts? Download our paper, The California Climate Acts – what you need to know, to find out what’s involved and how you can keep ahead in the fast-moving global-policy landscape.